Saturday, June 27, 2009
Bench Freak Bench Seminar
Well if you were at our Bench Press Seminar on June 22nd you would have!!
During the 3 hour Seminar All those who attended hit some big Numbers.
Lianna added 35 lbs , she hadn't even benched since February
Serge added 30 lbs and hit a true Paused 405 lb Bench Press
Darren Malette who had previously benched a personal best the week before added 50lbs that night to hit a 385 Paused Bench
Dave Added 50 lbs to his bench and learned how to really pysch up for a lift!!
young Martin added an awesome 25 lbs to his already 300+ bench Press not bad for an 18 year old!!
After the Max Pressing we worked on Assitance work I broke the group up into 2somes to work different stations
All in all this was a great night of training and learning, the 3 hours flew by!!
We also touched on what specific supplements will help in performance and recovery.
The next seminar is coming up in Embrun at Le Gym
Check our website for up coming seminars
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Montreal Power Wars - Bench Press - Beer - and Burgers
It's a CPO event. Ross put on a great Meet, Heavy Metal music blasting, The smell of Testosterone and Tiger balm, Big thickly muscled men milling around each other.
You could feel your adrenaline surging. Plates banging and barbells rattling, and that was just the warm up.
It was totally kickass!
There were lifters from Calgary, Winnipeg,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Sherbrooke and Trois Rivieres.
Ottawa was there in the form of Judges , spotters and lifters.
I was excited to be there and be competing Raw (meaning no Bench Shirt).
I had some high hopes of hitting some big benches in the 500+ plus zone especially after my last 3 weeks of training.
I opened with a silly easy 501 lbs
Then I went for 530..and the shit show started. Over the last 3 weeks of pushing my benching limits I fried my nervous system.
I was an Inch away from locking out 530 and it might as well as been 1200lbs. I hit a wall and the show was over for me.
I saw some great lifts and some even greater lifters. Everyone was awesome and we all enjoyed each others lifting and each others company.
I have decided that the CPO will be my RAW competing federation of Choice.
After my lifting I grabbed a cold beer and sat back and watched some great deadlifting.
I got a kick ass trophy for my efforts. However the best gift was getting a crew of new friends who abviously love the IRON as much as I do.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Whole lotta Benching Goin On
I have been busting my ass on the Bench Press lately and I have been enjoying some great strength peaking as of lately.
Below is a Video of me warming up with 500 raw no spotter or lift off this was Friday Night June 12 2009
Next was 530 and 560 which went up quite smoothly
Then It was Time for the Big 6 - 0 - 0 !!!
I was ready to hit 600 lbs raw
It was pretty good ..not quite as Clean I as I would like it but that will be better within the next 2 weeks or so!!
I am off to the CPO Power Wars Raw Bench Press in Montreal This coming Saturday June 20th
Monday, June 8, 2009
Where the hell did May go?
I didnt post one blog in May.
I guess I was a little busy, but thats a shitty excuse.
May was a cool month here at Fitness Warehouse and Bench Freak Land.
In Early May I had the honor of doing a Bench Press Seminar and demo for the
Chisasibi Cree Youth Football squad.
My good friend Trevor Monaghan who is their Fitness Head dude brought them down to Ottawa for a Football camp, with a quick lay over with us at our training facility we affectionately now refer to as "The Hurt Locker"
I got the chance to work with young George on his bench, This kid is Strong..he hit 315 on the bench and isnt very far from 335lbs, all at 17 yrs old!!!
May also saw Philippe Desjardins and Daryl Martella, 2 long time regulars at the store, throw down at their first ever body building show in Gatineau, Qc.
Philippe Desjardins - went from 250 to 180 ( I apologize if I am off abit)

I will do an interview later this month with them to get their side of the story!!
Great Bench Workout
Also at the end of May I had the oppurtunity to do a great chest workout with another super focused individual , Matt Wiens!
I needed a chest partner and he was more than willing.
I loved the fact that what ever I threw at him , he was game for!
One of the highlights was seeing Matt hit 355 and just missing 365!! not bad for never having gome over 315 before.
Matt is Strong, I just tweaked some technique and showed him how to be spotted properly and he drove the Shit out of that BAR!!
365 isnt far off and he could hit the big 4 plates within 6 months!!