Planning to Fail
I wish that it was me who came up with that quote but it ain't!!
But it rings so true.
If you want to achieve anything in this world you have to have a clear set of defined goals.
Of Course we look at things from a training perspective...
Goals like
Lose 30 lbs
Add 50 pounds to your Bench Press
Compete in first Strongman Competition..
But Goal Setting also applies all aspects of your life as well...
Life Goals
Pay off a credit card
Improve your relationship with your spouse
spend more quality time with your kids.
Most people start their day with no real plan to speak of.

What's missing from this guys Plan? A shirt? a belt? maybe a mirror?
What do you think this dude is going to achieve in his day?
So many people say that they want to make changes and strive for goals yet they fail to be specific about the goal and the fail to make a plan to achieve that goal.
For instance how many of you actually have a training log?
I will wager to bet most of you dont. How do you monitor your progress?
Now for those of you who do have a training journal (good job!)
How many of you have a clear and specific goal written down in your journal?
Now the group gets even thinner...
In Fact that goal should be written at the top of every page of your journal.
One of my clients has her goal pinned up on her bathroom mirror and again smack dab in the middle of her fridge door!!
Hows that for constant reminders!!
Pick a Goal
Make a Plan
Work Your Plan
Achieve your goals!!

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