Monday, February 22, 2010

Incline Bench Press Technique

One exercise I don't talk about enough is the Incline Bench Press

Here is a little tutorial with me performing the exercise

Step 1.

Lying seated in a 30 degree incline position

Take a gripp approx 20 inches apart keeping the elbows in tight

With a tight grip press the bar out of the rack and move it over the upper chest area with arms locked out.

Figure 1. " Start Position"

Step 2. The Descent

"Break the bar" Grip the bar like you are trying to break the bar in half

Inhale and begin to lower the bar towards your Chest, landing on the Sternum area.

Keep you legs and back Tight and prepare for the Punch upwards.

Figure 2. The Descent

Step 3 "Punching Upwards"

This is the Critical Stage.

Now drive your elbows and fists upwards while flaring your lats at the same time.

Drive the bar as quickly as possible while maintaining control to the top lockout position.

Once there begin the next rep until you have completed the desired number of reps in your set.

Figure 3 "Punching Upwards"

Things to Avoid

Becare full when doing this exercise .

Using too much Weight

Often a lifter thinks he can Incline as much as he can do flat bench. This never the case.

Using too much Weight can cause you to lose form or struggle too much

Figure 4. "Too Much Weight"

Don't # 2

No Spotter

This is asking for trouble you should always use a spotter, and have your spotting bars in place when using a power rack.

Severe injury can result from not using a spotter.

Figure 5. "No Spotter"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Protein Bar Recipe

If you have ever talked to me , been trained by me
or read ANY of my emails you know that I believe
Protein intake is the Most Important aspect of
Performance Nutrition!!

Here's a great little way to boost your Protein intake
and get your sweet tooth fix in too.


2/3 cup flax meal
2 scoops NeoGenixx Whey Fusion Protein
4 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 cup Water
Stevia, to taste (approx: 2tsp)

Blend ingredients together in a bowl until it becomes
a blob of dough. It will be somewhat sticky.

Place the sticky dough into a small casserole or baking
pan and smooth out into a flat level surface.

Then put in the refrigerator to cool or you can freeze them if you prefer.

Once cooled or frozen you can cut them up into bars.

Makes approximately (4) 2in x 4in bars.

Nutrition Data per bar:

Calories: 205
Protein: 18 gms
Carbs: 7 gms
Fat: 11 gms

If you would like a lower calorie bar and maybe less of
a peanut butter taste you can modify the ingredients
by using 2.5 scoops of NeoGenixx Whey Fusion Protein powder,
2 Tbsp natural peanut butter, 1/3 cup of water and 2tsp of Stevia.

This will lower the calories per bar by approximately
35 calories, 3 less grams of fat, 1 less gram of carbs
and 1 extra gram of protein.

This recipe is also rich not only in natural monounstaturated
fats that can help lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol
,plus raise HDL (good) cholesterol, but rich in Omega 3 fats
because of the flax meal and Omega 3 fats that flax meal provides.

You will consume about 2.5 gms of Omega 3 fats per bar.

Work Hard - Eat Lots of Protein - Become the Dominant Animal in The Pack!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday Nite Benching

It's been a while since I posted (boo!)

This Friday's Workout was a grinder

Raw Max Bench for 5 Singles @ 545

Set 1 - 2 reps
Set 2 - 2 reps
Set 3 - 1 rep
Set 4 - 1 rep
Set 5 - 1 rep - probably my fastest press ever at that weight

Tricep Hell

Close Grip
315 off Boards 5 reps per board

1 board - 5 reps
2 boards - 5 reps
3 boards - 5 reps
4 boards - 5 reps

Did 2 Sets

One Arm Bench Press

135 - 5 reps per side
155 - 3 reps per side
175 - 2 reps per side

I have some video coming of the Tricep Hell and the One Arm Benching