Well my Friday Bench workout came around and I am always pumped for this day.
I am really enjoying the Crossfit. But I nothing will replace my passion for the Bench Press!!
This how the workout went down.
135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 10
405 x 5
455 x 2
520 x 1 A little tough at the midway but managed to grind it out.
4 Boards Raw 1st week of 3
575 X 1
605 X 1
635 X 1 This weight was a challenege..definitely where I want to be struggling at. my goal is to master this weight and work towards 645 by week 3

Bent Over Rows
235 X 10
235 X 10
235 X 10
The wjole workout out took 40 Minutes...I could have pushed it to 35 minutes but I wanted to get a good attempt in at the 635...A year ago I would have taken 60 to 90 minutes to do the same thing.
My Fitness levels is improving weekly due to the FREAKing Crossfit