Friday, December 11, 2009
Local Powerlifter Dan Macdonald
recently Danny set a Provincial Junior Bench Record with a 408 Bench Press
in Windsor at the 2009 Ontario provicial Bench Champion ships.
Although Dan has been using a bench shirt as of late he has learned from training with me and Eric that he has to continue to improve his raw bench press all the time.
check it out as he hits a 370lb Bench Raw just last week!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wanna See a Big Deadlift?
in basement training facility at Fitness Warehouse.
We had lots of new lifters
We had lots of records being broken
One Big Bastard that showed up was Kelly Branton
Check the video below to see him Deadlift 313 kg (689.86 lbs)
for a new Provincial Junior (under 21) Record
What a beast and he still a pup!!
We will see lots more from this youngblood in the future
Friday, December 4, 2009
New Guest Blogger
Cool guy who started training hardcore powerlifting and strongman style a couple of years.
He used to do the old Mens Fitness stylke of training, but being of higher than average intelligence he knew there had to be a better bad ass way of training to get stronger, tougher and functional.
Darren is going to write a series of blogs about being an over 35 year male training hard and getting stronger than ever.
I Am a fan, you will be too!
Strength Athletics for the Over-35 Crowd
Blog 1 – Introductions
Welcome to the first in a series of articles directed at those who want to get and stay strong in their 30’s, 40’s and beyond. My name is Darren Mallette and I turn 38 at the end of 2009.
I started competing in the Fitness Warehouse “Push / Pull” events that Curd Hos hosted starting in 2003.
I don’t recall exact numbers but I think I lifted 455 pounds on the deadlift and 275 pounds on the bench press at my first meet.
I had been training with the goal of getting stronger and competing for about a year at this point. However, I had been training with weights since I was in my early teens, typically following the program of the month from the various bodybuilding magazines, with little to no results.
In 2005 I tried a strongman competition at the Gloucester Fair. I finished in the top 10 out of a field of 30+ and was immediately hooked. In 2006 I won Cornwall’s Strongest Man and in 2009 I won the Carp Fair Strongman. I’ve also recently deadlifted 585 pounds in competition and bench pressed 385 at one of Curd’s (highly recommended) seminars.
Recently Curd approached me and asked if I could write some “tips and tricks” articles on training for “us old guys”. In future posts I’ll write about how I approach training, nutrition and health.
The first tip is to see your doctor if you haven’t done so in the past year. Get a physical, go over your family history and get clearance to lift! You should also get a baseline reading for blood work – lipid assessment (cholesterol, triglycerides), blood sugar, etc. Ask for a vitamin D level check as well.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Goal Setting
Planning to Fail
I wish that it was me who came up with that quote but it ain't!!
But it rings so true.
If you want to achieve anything in this world you have to have a clear set of defined goals.
Of Course we look at things from a training perspective...
Goals like
Lose 30 lbs
Add 50 pounds to your Bench Press
Compete in first Strongman Competition..
But Goal Setting also applies all aspects of your life as well...
Life Goals
Pay off a credit card
Improve your relationship with your spouse
spend more quality time with your kids.
Most people start their day with no real plan to speak of.

What's missing from this guys Plan? A shirt? a belt? maybe a mirror?
What do you think this dude is going to achieve in his day?
So many people say that they want to make changes and strive for goals yet they fail to be specific about the goal and the fail to make a plan to achieve that goal.
For instance how many of you actually have a training log?
I will wager to bet most of you dont. How do you monitor your progress?
Now for those of you who do have a training journal (good job!)
How many of you have a clear and specific goal written down in your journal?
Now the group gets even thinner...
In Fact that goal should be written at the top of every page of your journal.
One of my clients has her goal pinned up on her bathroom mirror and again smack dab in the middle of her fridge door!!
Hows that for constant reminders!!
Pick a Goal
Make a Plan
Work Your Plan
Achieve your goals!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This guy ain't no Spring Chicken!!
He's in His late Forties...
He work's hard during the day and pounds out Ass grinding Workouts in the evening and on the weekends.
Saturdays he can be found with the boys working out strong man style in his garage that is coverted into a hardcore gym...
I pull up into the laneway, the heavy metal is blarring..the place smells of Tiger Balm...
There are all kinds of heavy metal objects like farmer's walk handles, 650 lb tires, a 450 lb steel yoke lying off to one side.
The otherside of the garage is Steel logs and some hardcore Lifting Stones..
The Stones range from 140 lbs to 360+ lbs...
As I got there Peter was getting ready to do some Log Clean and Press Its 240 lbs it suppossed to be for a single 1 rep max
Check it Here...
After the Log Press Peter Decides to hit some Big Atlas Stones
Here he goes after a 320 lb Atlas Stone...Awesome
Check it Here...
Any 20 - 30 years old out there that would like to be able to do this?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Meet Greg
He did a Hos-tyle Condioning Class with us on Saturday.
Greg didn't know what to expect. He was brought in by Peter (the dude who lost the 100lbs)
He was ready for action and I put him through a kick ass workout.
He worked hard, he pushed himself.
When he thought he was done we made him do more.
When I thought he was done he did more...
Greg pushed himself until he Puked!!
I like Greg! Everyone else liked Greg!
Be like Greg!!
Way to go Greg!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hos - Tyle Conditioning Workout
Make ‘em Cry
WOD + 50 JJ
10 Burpees
10 Push Ups
20 Ball Slams
30 Push Press
40 Squat
Rest 60 secs
4 Rounds
There will be some Crying and Nashing of Teeth!!
Lets Kick some ASS!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Crazy Lady
Although this isnt a real holiday I believe its still in the top five for consumer spending for the year.
I was in the grocery store the other day behind a couple who were checking out a crap load of candy.
It was one of those Grocery stores that has the goodlife for women gym upstairs. The lady was complaining how expensive it was to be a member of the gym, something like $50 ish bucks a month.
She was spending over $100 bucks on candy and crap, She was well over 200 lbs and I knew for sure she was gonna eat 1/2 that candy herself.
I m not saying you cant eat candy, but I know for sure she would be alot happier and healthier if she was 160 lbs buying 1/2 that candy and spending the money on a membership.
$50 spent for inproving her Health, Appearance, and Self Esteem!!
Just remember nothing tastes as good as being leaner and stronger feels
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What did you do after supper tonite?
What now? Watch some crappy reality TV Show (lose a few brain cells)? Eat some Shit Quality Food like chips and ice cream (ooohh it's low fat the label says)?
How Many Reality Shows do you think This Lady watches.....

(click on the pic above to see something even more disturbing)
Drink a few too many Beers or glasses of wine - telling yourself it's good for your health to have wine every nite.
Sit back and wonder why your not happy with your body..your life..maybe your job or marriage?
The solution is easy...GET OF YOUR ASS!!
Get up and start moving...Go for a some exercise..
A funny thing happens..when the Heart starts pumping... the Brain stops feeling sorry for itself!!
Some of you may have gotten the email about Peter Hamilton an awesome Dude I have been training.
He has lost 100 lbs since December 2008 ..Thats 10 Months!!
He's an inspiration....
Here's the Workout he did
for 5 exercises
Box Step ups
Push Ups
Leg Raises
T Bar Swings (Kettlebell 2 handed swings)
All 5 exercises in a row for 21 reps then repeat for 15 then 12 and so rest
He did it in just over 26 Minutes..
I was so freaking Inspired that after I closed the store at 9 pm that instead of going home and watching everone crying on Biggest Loser, I went Downstairs in the Training Studio and pounded out the following ASS KICKER!!
Box Step ups
Push Ups
Mountain Climbers
T Bar Swings (Kettlebell 2 handed swings)
It took me 29 minutes to grind it out...
As I type this I am a bag of dog shit..but I gotta tell ya I feel pretty damned good about myself.
I do wish I had a helper monkey right now to help me type this...
If Peter can do it..and I can do it..what the hell is stopping YOU?
Ontario's Strongest Man Paul Vaillancourt Training Tip
We were talking about some basic tips for lifters whether they are strength athletes or just hitting the Gym to get in better shape.
Here is a great tip on the basics of gripping any bar or handle....
Paul's a Freakin Any tip from him is Golden!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Oct 23 rd Friday Nite Benching
Time for some Fri Nite benching at Fitness Warehouse
Getting ready for the 2009 Ontario Provincials November 7th
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Bench Freak Bench Seminar
Well if you were at our Bench Press Seminar on June 22nd you would have!!
During the 3 hour Seminar All those who attended hit some big Numbers.
Lianna added 35 lbs , she hadn't even benched since February
Serge added 30 lbs and hit a true Paused 405 lb Bench Press
Darren Malette who had previously benched a personal best the week before added 50lbs that night to hit a 385 Paused Bench
Dave Added 50 lbs to his bench and learned how to really pysch up for a lift!!
young Martin added an awesome 25 lbs to his already 300+ bench Press not bad for an 18 year old!!
After the Max Pressing we worked on Assitance work I broke the group up into 2somes to work different stations
All in all this was a great night of training and learning, the 3 hours flew by!!
We also touched on what specific supplements will help in performance and recovery.
The next seminar is coming up in Embrun at Le Gym
Check our website for up coming seminars
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Montreal Power Wars - Bench Press - Beer - and Burgers
It's a CPO event. Ross put on a great Meet, Heavy Metal music blasting, The smell of Testosterone and Tiger balm, Big thickly muscled men milling around each other.
You could feel your adrenaline surging. Plates banging and barbells rattling, and that was just the warm up.
It was totally kickass!
There were lifters from Calgary, Winnipeg,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Sherbrooke and Trois Rivieres.
Ottawa was there in the form of Judges , spotters and lifters.
I was excited to be there and be competing Raw (meaning no Bench Shirt).
I had some high hopes of hitting some big benches in the 500+ plus zone especially after my last 3 weeks of training.
I opened with a silly easy 501 lbs
Then I went for 530..and the shit show started. Over the last 3 weeks of pushing my benching limits I fried my nervous system.
I was an Inch away from locking out 530 and it might as well as been 1200lbs. I hit a wall and the show was over for me.
I saw some great lifts and some even greater lifters. Everyone was awesome and we all enjoyed each others lifting and each others company.
I have decided that the CPO will be my RAW competing federation of Choice.
After my lifting I grabbed a cold beer and sat back and watched some great deadlifting.
I got a kick ass trophy for my efforts. However the best gift was getting a crew of new friends who abviously love the IRON as much as I do.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Whole lotta Benching Goin On
I have been busting my ass on the Bench Press lately and I have been enjoying some great strength peaking as of lately.
Below is a Video of me warming up with 500 raw no spotter or lift off this was Friday Night June 12 2009
Next was 530 and 560 which went up quite smoothly
Then It was Time for the Big 6 - 0 - 0 !!!
I was ready to hit 600 lbs raw
It was pretty good ..not quite as Clean I as I would like it but that will be better within the next 2 weeks or so!!
I am off to the CPO Power Wars Raw Bench Press in Montreal This coming Saturday June 20th
Monday, June 8, 2009
Where the hell did May go?
I didnt post one blog in May.
I guess I was a little busy, but thats a shitty excuse.
May was a cool month here at Fitness Warehouse and Bench Freak Land.
In Early May I had the honor of doing a Bench Press Seminar and demo for the
Chisasibi Cree Youth Football squad.
My good friend Trevor Monaghan who is their Fitness Head dude brought them down to Ottawa for a Football camp, with a quick lay over with us at our training facility we affectionately now refer to as "The Hurt Locker"
I got the chance to work with young George on his bench, This kid is Strong..he hit 315 on the bench and isnt very far from 335lbs, all at 17 yrs old!!!
May also saw Philippe Desjardins and Daryl Martella, 2 long time regulars at the store, throw down at their first ever body building show in Gatineau, Qc.
Philippe Desjardins - went from 250 to 180 ( I apologize if I am off abit)

I will do an interview later this month with them to get their side of the story!!
Great Bench Workout
Also at the end of May I had the oppurtunity to do a great chest workout with another super focused individual , Matt Wiens!
I needed a chest partner and he was more than willing.
I loved the fact that what ever I threw at him , he was game for!
One of the highlights was seeing Matt hit 355 and just missing 365!! not bad for never having gome over 315 before.
Matt is Strong, I just tweaked some technique and showed him how to be spotted properly and he drove the Shit out of that BAR!!
365 isnt far off and he could hit the big 4 plates within 6 months!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Why The Heart is the Strongest Muscle
No Heart = No Life
Well there is another reason why the heart is the biggest muscle in our bodies as well.
Watch this Video below and see why.............
Doesn't this make you want to stand up!!
Feeling those goose bumbs?
Remember this the next time your legs are a little sore on you set of 10 reps on the leg extension..
Or better yet Crank out 50 Body weight Squats and you'll see why you need to have HEART!! to accomplish anything worth a damn in Life!!
Like I said earlier
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Dirty Bird Going Legit?

Kentucky Fried Fat Loss
This has been all over the news. Kentucky Fried Chicken is trying something new…
Kentucky GRILLED Chicken.
This is taken right from a press release off their website:
“The introduction of Kentucky Grilled Chicken is a defining moment in our brand’s storied history,” said KFC President Roger Eaton.
“KGC is the latest menu innovation that showcases our commitment to meeting our customers’ ever-changing needs while staying true to the standards of high quality and great taste pioneered by Colonel Sanders.
This product will transform the industry.”
Well, at least they’re trying.
Or is it too late? Are they just doing this so they don’t get sued some day for their role in the obesity epidemic?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Why Training is or should be taken serious
One of the Main Laws of Result Oriented Training that I preach is to Train HARD!
Too many people just go through the motions.
A productive workout should be hard work. You should be sweating and breathing hard.
There should no long rests bewteen sets, no talking to your friends about the movie last night.
The Exercises you pick should also be challenging, skip the machines when possible.
For example
Do this next workout..
Leg Extension Machine
Perform 3 sets of 20 reps with only 60 seconds rest between sets
Wait 5 minutes
Body Weight Squats- no weights
Perform 3 sets of 20 reps with only 60 seconds rest between sets
Which one was Tougher? Which one left you breathing harder?
And when you can have a spotter or training partner so you can push yourself on your worksets.
Don't be like this clown!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
New Protocol for increasing Bench Press Performance
This rep scheme will help add muscle mass, strength endurance and helps you bench more weight for more reps.
Using a weight that you can do 10 good reps with.
Now take this weight and try and hit 30 reps in as few sets as possible.
Do as many reps as you can until you fail.
Rack the bar.
wait 90 seconds
go for another set.
Repeat this until you complete 30 reps total.
If it takes you 7-8 sets and you're down to singles at the end, so be it.
But whatever it takes this week l, is the goal to beat for next week.
Example, it takes you 7 sets to hit 30 reps with 225, then next week do whatever it takes to do it in 6 sets.
You stay with this weight until you can do the 30 reps in 2 sets.
Once you can do it in 2 sets. Retest you 10 rep max and use that new number for your 30 rep workout.

Back in the Saddle
I revisited a cool Kettlebell routine that I had done back in January and February.
Kbell swings and Burpees
K Bell Swings - Burpees
10 - 1
10 - 2
10 - 3
10 - 4
10 - 5
10 - 6
10 - 7
10 - 8
10 - 9
10 - 10

1st Time I did it in January this workout took me 24:06 to complete.
2nd time in February it took me 19:10
I just did last week and I was able to complete it in 18:15 ( Almost a minute faster)
These results show how crossfit training makes you fitter and improves performance across the board.
Becoming more functional just makes you better at any given activity.
Friday, March 27, 2009
More Great Results - New Bad Ass Workout!
I have been training Lianna for some months now and she always gives it her all.
Last week she told me in no uncertain terms that she was going to drop at least 2 lbs for the following weeks weigh in.
I love it when people set real tangible and attainable goals!!
Not only did she do the old Babe Ruth on me by pointing out over the park with her promise to me. She crushed it by dropping almost 3 pounds!!
Damn fine job Lianna, I'm Proud of you.
Bad Ass Workout
I got this workout from Nathan Donahue's blog at Kettelbellplanet
it's called the Javorek Complex #5
Nathan's actually working in India at the present moment and has beed presented with some unique challegesas to how to get some great workouts in, when you traveling abroad.
Especially in area's where a 6 ft man is a giant and dumbells in gyms rarely go over 25 lbs.
Read his blog and see what he is coming up with to get some effective workouts in. It's an example of how there is never an excuse not to do a workout...all you need is determination and some imagination.
Here is ther Version I did last night
Using 135 on the 7 ft olympic bar.
Uprightrows X6
Hanging Snatch X6
Squat Thrusters X6
Good Mornings X6
Bent over Rows X6
do all sets continously without any stops until the cycles is complete.
I did 3 cycles..I was sucking air right after the squat trusters on the first cycle.
It took me 18 minutes to complete all 3 sets..ther was alot of crying in between the cycles. At one point I think I saw into future....
It was one BAD ASS workout!
Thanks for the great Idea Nathan!!
Here's a Video of a similar routine using Dumbells
If you get a chance head over to my buddy Paul's Blog he and his wife Sarah own a gym in Renfrew and Arnprior.
I was over talking to Paul earlier this week and I came across to young fella's who were benching. I used a new technique to challenge them you can read about in Paul's blog Serious about Strength. I think its the latest entry as of today.
Now go Kick Your Own Ass in the gym!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
My Client Pete
Pete is coming up on 40 years old (he's 38)
He wanted to get in better shape and improve his quality of Life.
He has lost over 50 lbs of fat and put on a good 10 lbs of Muscle!
I am quite proud of him.

He works hard every session, and I reward him by pounding the snott out of him every chance I get.
He doesn't bitch he just goes about getting the Job done.
Here is a picture of what was left of Pete after one of our last workouts.
Good Job Pete !!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The 300 Hundred Workout
In one of my emails I challenged people to try this crazy Endurance workout.
Not only did Richard have the Balls to do it..He posted this video!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ring Workout Video
Here is a cool little clip that shows a large variety of exercises
Local Bodybuilder Roger Reid interview
Well my name is Roger Reid I was Born August 6, 1965, so that makes me 43 Years old at the moment.
How long have you been Bodybuilding?
I have been Bodybuilding for 4 years now, I was just a kid at 37!
How did you get started in Bodybuilding ?
About 4 years ago I weighed myself and I was over 200lbs and in the worst shape of my life.
I was shocked that I had let myself go as I have always been into competitive sports. It was at this time that I decided to embark on my journey to re-invent myself.
What do you weigh now?
Well at 5’5” Tall I have an off season weight of 158 – 165 , when it comes to contest time I am usually around 140 – 145 lbs

Wow that is a truly amazing transformation! But I am sure there was some tough times on this journey.
Can you share with us any adversities you went through?
Well, since I have started I went through a separation/divorce with my wife….this was a devastating time in my life and I could have easily rolled over and reverted back to my old ways.
Instead I decided that whatever I was doing with “Bodybuilding” was not worth losing so I picked myself up and upped the intensity.
Basically my newfound lifestyle of Fitness and Training saved me both physically and mentally.
When did you decide to compete for the first Time.
About 2 years ago someone in the gym approached me and asked if I had ever considered competing and I hadn’t at that time but this person said I should consider it because they thought I could probably do well.
How did you take Action?
It was then that I decided to talk to a trainer to see if there was any potential. I talked to a former co-worker and she told me about her boyfriend’s trainer, Viviane Malette who is a FAME master pro bodybuilder, I scheduled an appointment and went to talk to her.
I had also researched natural bodybuilding competitions and had decided to try and compete in an IDFA show in October of 2008.
After seeing Viviane for the first time we embarked on the journey to my first competition.
So how did you do ?
I did the IDFA competition in October 2008 (IDFA Eastern Canada Classic), I place 2nd in two categories Novice and Masters Men over 40.
I loved the whole experience of competing, the training and hard work leading up to the competition, and the commradery, and friendships I made at the competition. Currently,
I am prepping for my next contest, which will be the IDFA Toronto Classic in July 2009.
Where do You Train?
I train at Goodlife. Mostly Place D’Orleans but my home gym is Goodlife Queen Street and my trainer is at Gym Evolution in Gatineau.
How many Times per week do you Train?
It varies depending on how far out I am from a competition. Currently I am doing only 3 days a week for about an hour or so, were doing this to build mass. The philosophy is to lower the volume, up the intensity, and increase recovery time to hopefully stimulate growth.
When we get closer to the competition we will increase the volume and depending on the levels of fat we will first adjust the diet and only if we have to we will add some cardio.
What Supplements do you use?
The supplements vary but as a general rule we always use Whey/Protein blends, BCAA’s, Glutamine, Multi-vitamins, and Creatine.
The creatine of choice for me is NeoGenixx CX3, this is a great product because my body seems to be responding well to it, probably due to the inclusion of several forms of creatine in one product.
What advice would you have for anyone over 40 who thinks they can’t get in fantastic shape?
I would say that the first step is always the hardest….
That is the day you decide to commit completely to making a change in your life. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Get a trainer. Do exactly as your trainer tells you no matter what. Consistency is key….the transformation doesn’t happen over night it happens as a result of keeping up with whatever program you are on and applying consistently over a long period of time.
Roger, Thanks for the great interview. You are a true inspiration to all of us.
Please keep us posted on your upcoming competitions, you should be very proud of your accomplishments thus far.
You are absolutely right. The first step..Meaning taking ACTION is the most important of all!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
What the hell is a Burpee?
The video below shows what I call a Burpee, the dude in the video calls it a Squat Thruster.
(he also wears his cell phone while he does crossfit - So I think he's crazy)